Hari ni baru dapat update ye uolls..Amirah Zahirah's Birthday party done well as planned.. lihat saja deconya pasti tertawan kan.. oklah banyak gambar kena upload and taknak menceceh disini..so lets the photo do their job..

Mirah n mamanya Kartini..mamanya is my eldest sister..cantikkan baju birthday Mirah..that one is my birthday gift to her..

My Yiyen n her favourite cousin Audra aka uda!

Nak jadi rama2 katanya!!

The banner outside the house..glamer gittew!

The Zebra Pinata.

The tier cupcakes..

The fondant birthday cake..so nice sampai sayang nak makan..

some of the decoration..

the guests..

masa ni acara baru nak start..

with my schoolmate..thanks for coming jane..

me with the deco..

yiyen n friends..

The personalise chocolate bar n jelly sweets..so sedapp!

The penguin biscuits! yummy!!

The birthday girl akhirnya ketiduran sebab penat main..

Yaya's son akmal n my son neidal :) so cute both of them..

Foto session with the family..

Me n my sister..

With yiyen n neidal..husband adalah fotografernya so gambar dia xde disini..haha..

The birthday cake yang sangat comel!!

Personalised chocolate bar..

Penguin biscuits..

Sesi memukul pinata..kesian si zebra..

Pungut jangan tak pungut!!

Me n
Yaya. thanks sudi datang ye yaya..baru 2 kali jumpa tapi macam dah lama kenal kan yaya..hehe..

with the single girls..haha jgn marah ye..

Dr liyana n neidal..
pandai pula neidal senyum dengan awek cun..hehehe..

Dr siti n her sister..

Mummymirah n neidal..muka neidal innocent sangat..membuat ku geram melihatnya!

Neidal dgn sayap rama2 yiyen..cotton on mari :)

The party packs fpr guests..

Choc n jelly sweets

The framed deco for amirah..

Me n mom with neidal..

I really like this picture!! my mom with her second cucu lelaki..ensomboy ku!! hehe..
so that's the end of the story..
hope u guys enjoy the party..
nanti kalau ada bday sape2 jangan lupa jemput daku ye..hehe..
n yiyen birthday is coming up this november..
stay tune!