Mumu is yiyen's best buddy since she was 1..its already 5 years yiyen keeps mumu..I bought mumu from Ikea a long2 time ago... now i don't think they sell it anymore.. Yiyen really sayang her mumu.. like her own sister,anywhere she go, she will bring mumu.. even to Smartreader she'll put mumu inside her bag..and will sleep with mumu at the daycare after classes.. Mumu is like her bantal busyuk la actually.. she cannot sleep without her mumu..

See the way she treat mumu.. siap ada tempat tidur sendiri,selimut and bantal lagi.. tak tahan!
hehehehe... actually last time, we've lost mumu's sister..mimi at Sunway Pyramid.. dah cari merata2 tapi xjumpa..l ast2 terpaksa beli balik at Ikea.. after that we change her name to mumu... pernah one day pula,mumu hilang..tapi jumpa juga akhirnya bersembunyi disebalik bantal2 yiyen.. nasib baik xhilang..if mumu hilang,i think i'll cry too... because mumu is like one of us dah..

There's yiyen with mumu and her zira.. Zira is her second kesayangan after mumu.. but now i noticed that zira jarang di bawa ke mana2.. never mind sbb memang susah kalau nak bawak kedua2nya sekali.. takut jatuh.. pula..paling fobia if bring mumu to Sunway we keep mumu inside the car if bawak mumu.. tempat lain xpe..

See how cute mumu is... i don't remember when was the last time i wash mumu.. yiyen xbagi cuci..she said "yiyen xsuka bau mumu lepas mandi..nanti xwangi lagi macam ni "bau yang i pun nak pengsan kalau tercium :) whatever la..yang penting yiyen tidur nyenyak if mumu ada with her time tidur..
(tengah2 malam,walaupun mata yiyen tertutup,tapi tangan dia akan meraba2 mencari her kesayangan mumu ini..then amik mumu's nose,untuk di cium..huh sangat lucu..)tapi it's help her to sleep..jangan xpercaya..

Pose istimewa Yiyen with her
BFF~MUMU!! see also her baju..i bought it because i can see yiyen and mumu there..So Cute kan?
With Love from Mama to Yiyen & Mumu :)